Yoga during pregnancy

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Prenatal Yoga – good for you and your baby

Pregnancy a roller coaster ride

Who does not know it, in pregnancy everything is upside down. Yoga during pregnancy can be helpful to accept the physical changes. Because during pregnancy, your body changes every day. In a Prenatal Yoga class, you can reacquaint yourself with your breathing and develop new confidence in your body. Often pregnant women talk about developing fears, e.g. that they might fall unexpectedly and hurt the baby. Yoga supports you to feel into yourself and to find out what is good for you in the present moment. Prenatal yoga is very gentle on your body and includes strengthening and relieving exercises for your back. A regular yoga practice can alleviate or even prevent typical complaints such as back pain, fatigue, water retention.

The 1st trimester

At the beginning of pregnancy, you will notice how the egg implants into the uterus. Some women feel a pain of implantation. There is pulling in the abdomen at the ligaments and groin. Some women feel the side effects of hormonal changes quickly and struggle with mood swings and nausea.

In the first trimester, the baby’s movements are not yet noticeable, the abdomen is barely visible and the breasts have not yet changed. Therefore, women often find it difficult to put all their habits to the test and adapt them to the new needs of pregnancy. With each additional week of pregnancy, the feeling of togetherness grows. Many yoginis only change their own yoga practice at a later point in their pregnancy and switch to a prenatal class. Some even stop yoga altogether.

The important thing is – avoid overexertion. Get into the child’s pose. Rest your head on a pillow or bolster. Slowly come to the floor with your head, belly and hips. Control your breath, let it flow calmly.

Last but not least – avoid all prone asanas, e.g. cobra, grasshopper as well as abdominal exercises like the boat and twisting poses.

The 2nd trimester

Is the most beautiful time in pregnancy. The pregnant women could pull out trees. Usually the initial nausea is over and everything becomes easier again. Many pregnant women have more energy and are no longer so tired. Externally, the pregnancy becomes visible very slowly and the movements of the child can be felt.

The 3rd trimester

The final spurt has begun! In the third trimester, the fetus acquires the necessary lung maturity, grows and puts on weight. With the steadily growing belly, everyday life becomes more and more difficult. You are already thinking about the day of birth and are looking forward to holding your baby in your arms for the first time. Many expectant mothers complain about heartburn, water retention and shortness of breath.

Yoga asanas during pregnancy- which do good

Viparita Karani against water retention, as well as back pain and varicose veins:

Place a soft pillow or bolster under your buttocks and stretch your legs in the air. If it becomes too strenuous, lean your legs against the wall or rest them on a chair.

The butterfly – opens your pelvis and helps your tissues to widen and soften. Thus, the birth becomes easier. Raspberry leaf tea also softens the tissues.

To do this, lie on your back and bring the soles of your feet together. If it is uncomfortable and there is a pull in the hips, sit with your back upright and then place the soles of your feet on top of each other. Then grab your feet or calves.

Tip against heartburn is to drink ginger tea. Please no coffee or sour juices!!!

The birth

Many women are often afraid of the birth. Yoga during pregnancy gently prepares you for this moment and keeps you fit.

Tip: Listen to podcasts.

I have often listened to birth stories together with my partner to help us prepare for birth emotionally as well as physically. How about practicing yoga during pregnancy with your partner? Maybe your partner can offer you a head massage to finish.