Regular yoga practice help against PCOS

Image source: Yoga Experience

How can I manage my PCOS?

First step managing your weight by eating well and exercising regularly. Second step keeping stress and anxiety away.

How Yoga Asanas can help?

  • abdominal compression,
  • improving blood circulation
  • decreasing the levels of cortisol.
  • decreasing blood sugar and insulin resistance.
  • regulating menstrual cycles.
  • reducing androgens.

The Best Yoga Asanas for PCOS

1’#Shoulder standSalamba Sarvangasana

Lie on your back with your hands on your mat. Raise legs above your hips in a controlled manner and then use the leverage of your arms, abdominals and back muscles to bring your pelvis into the air. Shift your weight to your shoulders and stretch your body up. Your back should be as straight as possible. Your toes should gently point towards the ground.

2’#Child poseBalasana

 Sit on your knees. Stretch your arms in front of you with the hands toward the floor.

3’#Bow pose – Dhanurasana

Lie on your stomach, place your arms relaxed beside your body with your hands facing up. Then place your toes firmly into the mat and bend your knees until your heels come as close as possible to your buttocks. Grab your ankles with your hands and bring your feet and legs to hip width.

4’# Cobra – Bhujangasana

Place your hands flat on the ground directly under your shoulders. Bend your elbows straight back and hug them into your sides.

5’# Garland PoseMalasana

Stand with your feet about mat’s width apart. Bend the knees and lower your Butt to come into a squat. Take your upper arms inside your knees and bend the elbows to bring the hands together.

6’# Butterfly pose

Come to a seated position and bring the soles of your feet together. Grab each foot with your hands and place elbows against your inner thighs.

7’#Cat Cow Pose – Chakravakasana

Neutral: Hands and knees, aligning your wrists underneath your shoulders and your knees underneath your hips. Keep the neck long by looking down and out.

Cow: Curl your toes under and tilt your pelvis back so that your tailbone sticks up. Your belly drops down, but keep your abdominal muscles hugging your spine by drawing your navel in. Take your gaze gently up toward the ceiling without cranking your neck.

Cat: Release the tops of your feet to the floor. Your spine will naturally round. Draw your navel toward your spiene and drop your head. Take your gaze to your navel.

Study: How can hormone yoga practice help against PCOS?[1,2]

A customized yoga exercise sequence was developed specifically for PCOS patients. These yoga exercises were practiced 3 times a week for 3 months. Each yoga practice lasted 1 hour as well as followed a curriculum. The hour begins with a mental body scan to train body awareness. This is followed by the pranayama exercise. Three-part yoga breath: ujjayi breath, alternate nostril breath and fire breath. The main part of the yoga class is vinyasa flow. Restorative yoga asanas are selected to strengthen the body as well as practice balance. Finally, there is a guided meditation. Often imagery is used, or healing energy is spoken of. Mindful statements such as “I am” strengthen the participants’ self-confidence. If you want to read more about this, check out the article ,,Does Yoga Heal Hormonal Imbalances ?”

The result of this study was positive. In this yoga group, the testosterone level as well as the steroid hormone (DHEA) decreased by 29 percent. In addition, it was found that the participants had less to do with depression and anxiety during this time. Some participants reported an improvement in their acne as well as a shorter menstrual cycle length.

With hormone yoga to the desired child [3]

Women’s Whispers:

Many women wonder, why is it that only I don’t get pregnant? Curse and blessing at the same time! Everything is not so simple or? However, the answer is not so far away. There are 4 conditions which should be fulfilled.

1) A woman needs security. Financially as well as a well running partnership.

2) Physical fitness is the be-all and end-all.

3) The psyche is mostly underestimated. Only when one is happy and satisfied, the body receives a signal. Everybody has worries from time to time.

4) Have hormones and fertility checked. Folic acid, zinc, iron and vitamin B12 deficiency can prevent pregnancy. Hormone malfunctions should not be underestimated. These can be responsible for women not getting pregnant for a long time. PCO syndrome often stands in the way of ovulation. Hormonal yoga only helps to stimulate the hormonal balance and to remedy psychological stress.


[1] Yoga lowers testosterone levels in PCOS, Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, February 2020.

[2] Regular Mindful Yoga Practice as a Method to Improve Androgen Levels in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Randomized, Controlled Trial, The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, May 2020, Vol. 120, 323-335.

[3] Healing Hormones: Hormone-Friendly Nutrition & Naturopathic Advice for a Harmonious Cycle by Belinda Kirkpatrick, Southwest Publishing, 2019.