Herbs Medicinal plants for women

For centuries, the knowledge of herbs, as well as their healing and regulating effects, which naturally promote female health, has been passed down.

Heilpflanzen, getrocknete Kräuter an einer Schnur.
Image source: pixabay

Women’s herbs – good bye to aches and pains!!!

Everybody knows these unpleasant stinging as well as cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Preferably, one then spends the evening on the sofa with a hot water bottle. In this situation, a good tea is especially helpful and can relieve jokes as well as provide well-being.

The all-important question is: what belongs in such a healing tea mixture and what does not? Which herbs can I use so that the tea is edible as well as healthy?

The interplay of hormones – “These herbal blends will get you through your monthly cycle just fine.”

In a female cycle, the two hormones estrogen (in the first half of the cycle, as well as progesterone (in the second half of the cycle) take the lead. Therefore, hormone balance throughout the cycle can be supported by certain herbs. Herbs such as raspberry leaves, lady’s mantle, yarrow, chamomile, and lemon balm, for example, promote implantation and often have a direct regulating effect on hormones. Stinging nettle leaves, monk’s pepper, yarrow, lady’s mantle herb and chamomile flowers, on the other hand, promote blood circulation, as well as the build-up of the uterine lining. Thus, the uterus is optimally prepared for the conception of the fertilized egg.

A distinction is made between herbs that support ovulation and are therefore used in the first half of the cycle. Other herbs prepare for implantation and are therefore used in the second half of the cycle. Tip: In PCOS, these herbal blends can be supportive to regulate the cycle

Women’s cycle tea / ovulation tea

30g raspberry leaves

20g lemon balm

10g lavender flowers

10g cinnamon root

40g nettle leaves

10g ginger root /sweet wood root / lemongrass

10g alfalfa leaves

Women’s cycle tea / nidation tea

20g lady’s mantle herb

30g yarrow herb

20g Monk’s pepper

20g chamomile blossoms

40g nettle leaves

10g ginger root / licorice root / lemongrass

In order to see an improvement, it is recommended to drink the tea mixtures daily for at least two to three months in the respective cycle phase. Gladly as needed, as well as in case of discomfort or irregular cycle.

Kräuter, Heilkräuter für Frauen, gesund, Tee
Image source: pixabay
Raspberry leaves

Raspberry leaves have ovulation-promoting properties by regulating estrogen levels. Personal recommendation: for example, during pregnancy, a maximum of 1-2 cups of raspberry leaves tea per day may be drunk to make the pelvic muscles more supple and relax. However, raspberry leaf tea can also cause heavy bleeding during childbirth and afterwards, so please drink only in doses.

Lemon balm

Lemon balm is effective against cramping abdomen, strengthens the circulation and relieves headaches during the period.

Chamomile flowers

Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as antispasmodic and relaxing properties. Personal recommendation: also good for perineal injuries, as well as vaginal tears.


Yarrow also shows positive properties in the second half of the cycle. If you have an irregular cycle, you can drink yarrow tea, as yarrow has antispasmodic effects in the gastrointestinal tract.

Monk’s pepper

The herb helps e.g. with cycle disturbances as well as with PMS (premenstrual syndrome). It is a true miracle cure, as an irregular cycle can be regulated if taken for at least 3 months. The excess prolactin is lowered and thus the progesterone level is raised. Personal recommendation: You can order monk’s pepper as tablets, as well as drink it as a tea.

Lady’s mantle

Lady’s mantle is used for menstrual cramps, PMS as well as irregular menstruation. This plant is an all-rounder because it is used to regulate the corpus luteum hormones, thus favoring the implantation of the fertilized egg.

Healing teas do not replace the gynecological treatment of course and are therefore used only supportive!!!

You can find more information in the given book: Herbs and medicinal plants for women: Teas, tinctures and ointments from natural medicine make yourself.