
Image source: Yoga Experience

What is Satya ?

Satya – The second of the five Yamas on the eight-limbed path of PATAÑJALI.


Yama [ the disciplines in interpersonal conduct ] include non-violence, truthfulness, not stealing, acting in awareness of Brahma [ the All-Soul ], and non-entitlement.

2.30         ahmisa-satya-asteya-brahmacarya-aparingrahah yamah

Satya – The true path of self-knowledge

Virtues such as honesty, sincerity, faithfulness and loyalty play a great role. On the one hand, honesty means not lying to oneself and self-reflectively admitting mistakes. This is also true in dealing with other people, but with a small restriction: If the truth could hurt someone, then it may sometimes be better to remain silent. Thus, Satya also describes the conscious and sensitive use of words.

“The more truthfully a person speaks, the more powerful his words become.”

T.K.V. Desikachar

The precise alignment of the body, adapted to modern Western people, and the spiritual connection open up new spaces for you, giving you relaxation, stability and expansiveness.

Our beloved body and perception

Mobilization, strengthening and stretching of the body in intimate connection with the breath lead to more health, freedom and relaxation. The use of breath, voice and sound acts as a connection of the gross material level with the subtle levels to the original source of our being.

Our Consciousness

We immerse ourselves in the present moment and strengthen our awareness of body, feelings, thoughts and the core of our being. Loving mindfulness leads us into the depth of experience and release from recurring patterns. Larger connections become conscious and mind and body experience more spaciousness. Consciousness is strengthened and mind and heart find harmony.

Unity with oneself in the depths of the soul

When body, mind and soul vibrate in harmony with each other, a deeper level of truthfulness and the feeling of being part of a loving universe can be experienced. Experiences of oneness allow us to experience connectedness with the divine source. We experience that we do not exist separately, but are connected with all life and the whole universe. We connect with the source of inner bliss, which is found in the depth of our heart.


Satya-Yoga basically means connecting with one’s own truth and with true being. This can lead us to a sense of oneness with our deepest self, with the universe, and with God. When we feel the deep connection with ourselves, when we recognize, feel and accept the truth of the present moment as what is, all contradictions and resistances dissolve. We can then recognize them for what they really are: Challenges to reach our highest potential. However, since we are all people with patterns and defenses, this surrender to the moment is not so easy to implement in everyday life.

For people who have mastered satya [truthfulness], their own statements and actions always come true.

2.36                   satya-pratisthayam-kriya-phala-asrayatvam