Dynamics of Breathing

A summary of the chapter “The Dynamics of Breathing” from the book Yoga Anatomy [1] The book “Yoga Anatomy” by Leslie Kaminoff is very clearly organized. Dynamics of Breathing : In the introductory part there is general knowledge about breathing, spine, skeleton and muscles. The main part explains the most important asanas and their effect…Continue readingDynamics of Breathing

Pranayama – 5 popular breathing techniques

Pranayama (Sanskrit, m., प्राणायाम, prāṇāyāma) the breathing – stands for the bringing together of body and mind. “Prana” is a term for the life energy (breath) and “Ayama” can be translated as “expand”. The term “pranayama” thus refers to the conscious regulation and deepening of breathing through mindfulness and practice. Die fünf bekanntesten Atemübungen beim…Continue readingPranayama – 5 popular breathing techniques

Meditation – Create your own personal ritual

In the popular mind, meditation has long been associated with hippies and esoterics. Fortunately, the view of meditation has changed drastically in recent years. More and more people around the world are meditating out of conviction. The success of meditation speaks for itself. Changes in body and mind are noticed through regular meditation, as well…Continue readingMeditation – Create your own personal ritual

Yoga Asanas for Beginners

Here you will find the basic asanas that anyone can practise, whether you are a beginner or an advanced yogi. You may know these asanas from your yoga class or the online yoga course you follow. The sun salutation A – a sequence of basic yoga exercises Yoga Asanas described and explained in detail. Mountain…Continue readingYoga Asanas for Beginners